Fragments from the last day of the festival. Where did it live?
Even the seventh day of the festival was very busy in Zlín. The married couple Zlata Adamovská and Petr Štěpánek, as well as the actor Vladimír Kratina, accepted the invitation to the Festival Café on Náměstí Míru. Photos and autographs were taken in the Golden Apple. Fans had the opportunity to catch Vojtěch Vodochovský, Hana Vagnerová or Jan Révai there on the last day.

For a good coffee, those interested also had the opportunity to go to Café POTMĚ, which serves the visually impaired. Actress Jitka Schneiderová, who was a guest of Czech Radio, could also be seen in the center of Zlín. In the early evening, students of primary art schools in the program ZUŠKA? ZUSKA! In Komenského Park, Déčko rounded off her tenth birthday celebration with the Terčin animal world program and evening fairy tales.