What does it look like when AI meets creativity?
Authors from all over the world exhibit in the 61st building of the former Svit complex in Zlín. The common denominator is artificial intelligence, which pushes the boundaries of artistic expression and challenges traditional ideas about creativity. You can visit the event as part of the 63rd Zlín Film Festival.

The phenomenon of artificial intelligence has inspired PROMPTnations to organize an international exhibition that explores the combination of new diffuse text-to-image models of image generation and machine learning in the creation of fine art, the organizers mention.
It presents the works of more than sixty authors of various professions and is divided into two parts. The first part of the exhibition, which takes place from June 5 to 7, is focused on presenting the works of fifteen selected authors. It offers an introductory look at the diversity and innovation that this exhibition has to offer.
The non-traditional exhibition will be on display even after the end of the Zlín Film Festival, on June 8 it will be moved to the rector's building of the Tomáš Bata University in Zlín. There, too, visitors will have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a world where artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms meet human creativity. You can find more about the exhibition here.
View the photo gallery. He is the author of the images Josef Řezníček (Jsf Abb).