Children Without Borders. Conference part of festival begins
How are the media news created? And what does honest journalism actually involve? The work of journalists and media editors presents in practice at the three-day Children Without Borders conference. It started today and also covered other hot topics. How to properly nourish children and young people, how to help families in stressful situations, but also why and how to teach film.

In the individual blocks, visitors learned about the Media Olympiad, the current situation in the field of paedopsychiatry or five didactic ideas to promote education for good nutrition in children and youth. The next block of the conference at the University of Zlín dealed with news values and quality journalism. Educational Seminar on Film Education presented examples of good practice.
On Tuesday, journalist Čestmír Strakatý will invite three interesting guests to the Congress Centre in Zlín. Jiří Burýšek, founder of the website, which has 250,000 subscribers on YouTube, as well as Jiří Kubík, editor-in-chief of Seznam Zpravy, and Karel Strachota, director and founder of the JSNS People in Need educational programme.
On Wednesday, the Broadcasting Council will focus on a phenomenon of our time: artificial intelligence. The conference Media to Children, Media with Kids will take place at 9.30 a.m. as part of the Zlín Film Festival for the seventh time.