30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
27. 5. 2022

Beginner film creators presented their projects within the FILMTALENT Pitching Forum

Today, the young filmmakers who are applying for financial support from FILMTALENT ZLÍN Endowment Fund presented their film projects to a professional jury. The students were evaluated, for example, by the festival director Čestmír Vančura, artistic director Markéta Pášmová and director Václav Marhoul.

Every year, we obtain funding to support these films from the public auction of the Movie Clapperboard Salon, which is already a traditional part of our festival. Many of the films that were supported in recent years have won awards at domestic as well as foreign festivals. In 2021, it was especially the success of the film Red Shoes by FAMU student Anna Podskalská, which was the only one to represent the Czech Republic in the competition at Cannes Film Festival.