30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
31. 8. 2021

Get to Know the INDUSTRY DAYS

Zlin will also host many film professionals during the festival, for which a special three-day program has been prepared. Get acquainted with the INDUSTRY DAYS program. Notice: registration is required for selected events.


FILMTALENT Pitching Forum

10 am - 3 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

Final presentation of upcoming film projects of students and young budding filmmakers applying for financial support from the FILMTALENT ZLÍN Endowment Fund. Also recommended for producers looking for new talent!

Free entry without prior registration.

Language: Czech.


New Cinema 2021 – Children's Film of the "Covid Period"

4 pm - 7 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

How did it go with films for children and young people during and after the Covid lockdown? Has the online world replaced cinema? Will kindergartens and schools still go to traditional cinemas for fun and instruction? What did they go to see at cinemas the most and who had the best campaign? Will there ever be children in cinemas again?

At the seminar of the New Cinema 2021 project, cinema operators, producers, and distributors' representatives will answer these questions with their presentations. The presentation will focus, among other things, on a film by Tomáš Polenský Smeček, which entered distribution at the time of cinema closures.

Admission for accredited film professionals only.

Language: Czech.



Contemporary Czech literature for children and youth as a source for film themes

10:30 am - 12 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

Presentations of six contemporary books for children and young people, which could be inspiration for film making. The books are presented by their authors and the program is accompanied by journalist and literary and film critic Pavel Mandys, co-founder and co-organizer of the annual Magnesia Litera Book Awards. The selection is designed to offer ideas for both feature and animated films, including short ones. Designed for all filmmakers looking for quality and interesting material for children and youth.

List of presented works:

I, Finis / Vaclav Dvorak

Rules for Real Ninjas (Pravidla skutečných ninjů) / Petra Štarková

Hilda and Sofie / Hana Knopfová

Anna, the Talking Brook, and Other Inmates of Mrs. Majerova's Institution / Petr Koťátko

The Kiko series / Markéta Pilátová

Admission for accredited film professionals only.

Language: Czech.



2 pm - 4 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

A presentation of eight successful Czech short films and four projects in the production phase, which were supported by the FILMTALENT ZLÍN Endowment Fund. The presentation of individual films takes place in the form of short talk shows with the creators and a presentation of trailers. Another aim of the program is to search for opportunities to co-finance projects in production. The block is intended primarily for the Czech and foreign professional public.

List of presented films:

Red Shoes, animated film / director: Anna Podskalská

Dear Dad, animated film / director: Diana Cam Van Nguyen

Love Is Just a Death Away, animated film / director: Bára Anna Stejskalová

The Glory of Terrible Eliz, feature film / Adam Struhala, Eliška Kováříková

Old Gramophone's Ghostly Tones, animated film / director: Kryštof Ulbert, Martina Tomková, Zuzana Čupová

Inversion, feature film / direction: Lucia Kajánková

Sounds Between the Crowns, animated film / director: Filip Diviak

Francek, feature film / director: Natálie Císařovská


Admission for accredited film professionals only.

Language: Czech, English.



Cutting School for Cinema 2020 / International conference on film and audiovisual education

Topic: Teacher in the lead role

9 am - 4 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

The eighth annual international Cutting School for Cinema conference will focus on the most important people who can bring significant change with regard to the promotion of the field within educational programs – teachers. Although educators use film trailers and entire works in the classroom, they often only serve as a drawing or illustration. There are few qualified teachers of film and audiovisual education. All the more valuable is the experience of those who teach film, audio-visiual studies, and multimedia at primary schools, and basic and secondary art schools. In addition to domestic experience, we will also present examples from abroad – the Moving Cinema project.

Admission for accredited film professionals only.

Language: Czech, English.


Annual Meeting of the European Children's Film Association

5 pm - 7 pm / Congress Centre, Small Hall

Assembly of members of the European Children's Film Association (ECFA).

Entry for registered attendees only.

Language: English


An overview of all events held within the INDUSTRY DAYS program can be found here.