30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
20. 12. 2018

ZFF at a Film Festival in India

On Monday, December 10, 2018, the 4th International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFFCY) was launched in Delhi, featuring several dozen films from over 30 countries – including the Czech Republic.

The international jury of the festival also hosted a representative of the Zlín Film Festival, namely art director Markéta Pášmová and program organizer Jaroslava Hynštová, who were welcomed at the opening ceremony by the CEO of the Central Europe Division of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anju Kumar. Czech cinema was represented by three films at the festival. The short animated film "Hurrah for Blueberries!" by director-screenwriters Alexandra Májová and Kateřina Karhánková was one of them; it won the "Golden Slipper" for best animated film at the Zlín Film Festival in June of 2018. Another film was the short animated film "Cherry Tree" by a student of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Eva Dvořáková, which was financially supported by the FILMTALENT ZLÍN Foundation. The festival's high point was the international premiere of the new Czech-Slovak fairytale "Devil's Eye" directed by Marek Najbrt, which took place on Friday, December 14, at the Siri Fort Auditorium in Delhi. The film was presented by the representatives of the Zlín Film Festival as well as by representatives of the Czech and Slovak embassies, Roman Masařík and Katarína Tomková.

Markéta Pášmová and Jaroslava Hynštová were also welcomed at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi by Mr. Roman Masařík, Chargé d'affaires a.i., where they talked about possibilities for presenting Czech film and Czech culture in India.

Pictured: Markéta Pášmová, Jaroslava Hynštová, representatives of the Czech and Slovak embassies in India, director of the festival SIFFCY.