30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
12. 4. 2013


Don't be mistaken that the ZFF isn't also attended by those who come for the glitz and glam show-off time!

Don't be mistaken that the ZFF isn't also attended by those who come for the glitz and glam show-off time!  But there is only a handful of those! Most of the filmmakers and artists think of the festival as a work meeting. Do you know who works the hardest, apart from the crew of course? The judging panel! The world may marvel at this but they also do their work for free. Crackerjackers!! And who is going to be on the judging panel this year?

Last year it was for example Andrea Kerestéšová whose presence dazzled the festival, this year it will be Danica JURČOVÁ! She is also a Slovak beauty who is famous from Czech films and serials. It was ten years ago at the age of 26 when she stared in the leading role in fairytale series '' O ztracené lásce'' directed by Viktor Polesny.

Director Pavel JANDOUREK has also agreed to take the seat of a judge. In the eyes of the young audience he is mostly renowned for his 2006 feature film Maharal  - Tajemství talismanu.

Taking part in the decision making about the ZFF'S best movies and nominees for the highest awards will also be Jaroslav NYKL, renaissance persona - filmmaker and artist. Not only did he win Zlatý střevíček (Golden Slipper) for animated feature film last year but he is also a part of the MINISALON - Film Clapperboards project.