30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
17. 4. 2013


Dusk-Awaiting is a series of concerts that will be taking place during the festival prior each projection of the open-air cinema on Náměstí TGM.

Dusk-Awaiting is a series of concerts that will be taking place during the festival prior each projection of the open-air cinema on Náměstí TGM. The local, long, grassy hill in front of Dum umění (Music Hall and T. Bata Monument) is simply just made for summer open-air projections!  Pure and simple - during the festival week from Monday till Saturday at 20.00 - the area between Bata's halls of residence will be resounded by the thumping beats of good music. Each concert will be followed by a projection of the open-air cinema at 21.30. Come along before 8pm take a seat (preferably close to a nearby refreshment kiosk) and you will have a blast till midnight!

And who will be your entrainment acts as part of Dusk-Awaiting?
Monday 27. 5. KOAN, alternative rock.
Tuesday 28. 5. REGGAY, as the name suggests - reggae.
Wednesday 29. 5. Planned performance by ARGEMA. Remember? ''Bílá pěna, láhev orosená ....''
Thursday 30. 5. KULA PIKLE, a tasty mishmash of rock, funk, and alternative music with witty lyrics
Friday 31. 5. STREET 69, pop-rock.
And finally, on Saturday 1.6., Dusk-Awaiting will be concluded by pop-punk formation CRIMINAL COLLECTION
