30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
15. 5. 2013


The ZFF is supported from the places of the highest power in the Czech Republic and is therefore very honoured by aegis that the Czech state representatives are giving to the festival.

The ZFF is supported from the places of the highest power in the Czech Republic and is therefore very honoured by aegis that the Czech state representatives are giving to the festival. Through declaration of such strong aegis they are showing that they consider ZFF as one of the leading cultural events in the Czech Republic. And who proclaimed their aegis? Presidemt Miloš Zeman, Prime Minister Petr Nečas, Culture Minister Alena Hanáková.

The preparation of the Danish Cinematography Days was carried out by ZFF in collaboration with Danish Embassy in Prague and institutes, organisations and figures from Denmark. It is for this reason that 53rd ZFF has gained patronage by H.E. Anders Christian Hoppe, the Danish Kingdom Ambassador in Prague.

Traditionally, ZFF is also supported by the Regional County President, Stanislav Mišák and the Mayor of Zlín Miroslav.

ZFF is also honoured by the aegis given by the Czech committee for UNICEF.