30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth
15. 5. 2013


These Flash Info information updates are prepared by a young virile man therefore it was only a question of time before an article about young and beautiful actresses who will visit ZFF would appear. And here it comes!

We have already informed you about the attendance in jury of Bára Polákova a Danice Jurčova. We have also motioned that apart from Marek Eben who does not belong to this article, Sandra Nováková will reveal her own tile on the Walk of Fame. However, so far you are unaware that as part of ČT  fairytales delegation Zlín will also be visited by Jana Pidrmanová, Markéta Frösslová (both with film O pokladech, About Gems), Marie Majkusová (Dvanáct měsíčků, Twelve Months).