The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 26/5
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13
Interaktivní workshop Technologické agentury České republiky, Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně - Fakulty multimediálních komunikací a společností FG Forrest, a.s. a Filmfest, s.r.o.
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 27/5
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13
Game Zone LanCraft 27/5
Section: Entertainment, Virtual Reality
Projection place: Castle SVOBODY
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 28/5
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13
Game Zone LanCraft 28/5
Section: Entertainment, Virtual Reality
Projection place: Castle SVOBODY
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 29/5
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13
Game Zone LanCraft 29/5
Section: Entertainment, Virtual Reality
Projection place: Castle SVOBODY
How to Learn Foreign Language with the Help of VR karaoke?
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: Castle SVOBODY
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 30/5
Section: Virtual Reality, Lectures and Workshops
Projection place: University Centre U13
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 31/5
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13
The Using Virtual Reality in Art: Creating the Experience of Karel Zeman´s World of Fantasy and Inspiration 1/6
Section: Lectures and Workshops, Virtual Reality
Projection place: University Centre U13