Section: Exhibitions Projection place: University Centre exhibition of artwork by visually impaired children
Score: Section: Exhibitions, Art and Chill-Out Projection place: Festival Chateau a unique exhibition of more than 60 interactive objects, expanding imagination and fantasy, with a focus on creative understanding of the world and oneself through our own senses
Score: Section: Art and Chill-Out Projection place: Another Place vending alley with French specialties
Score: Section: Entertainment for Kids, Workshops Projection place: Festival Chateau 10.00 - 19.00, Festival Chateau
Score: Section: Entertainment for Kids Projection place: Namesti Miru Square interactive program for ZFF visitors
Score: Section: Art and Chill-Out, Entertainment for Kids, Theatre Projection place: Theater Zone series of theatre performances, all-day workshops
Score: Section: Film Industry, Workshops Projection place: Congress Centre 14.00 – 16.00, workshop, lecture, Congress Center Zlín - small hall
Score: Section: Entertainment for Kids, Sport, Concerts Projection place: Open Air Place 14.00 – 2.00, nám. T. G. Masaryka Square
Score: Section: Sport, Entertainment for Kids Projection place: Another Place soccer match full of stars with an autograph session
Score: Section: Autograph Session Projection place: OC Golden Apple 16.00, SEC Golden Apple
Score: Section: Film Industry Projection place: Congress Centre 17.00 – 19.00, meeting, discussion, Congress Center Zlín - small hall
Score: Section: Entertainment for Kids, Sport Projection place: Another Place charity dance show
Score: Section: Film Industry, Conference Projection place: Congress Centre Vladimír Kroc talk-show following the Red Carpet
Score: Section: Sport, Art and Chill-Out Projection place: Another Place dancing of Argentine tango, salsa, ballroom dances and folk dances right on the street
Score: Section: Concerts, Autograph Session Projection place: Open Air Place Czech pop-rock band concert with an autograph session
Score: Section: Concerts Projection place: Festival Chateau JAZZ AT THE CHATEAU concert
Score: Section: Open-air cinema Projection place: Open Air Place 21.30, Open Air Place, nám. T. G. Masaryka Square
Score: Section: Workshops Projection place: University Centre interactive exhibition of new digital technologies used for picture and sound processing
Score: Section: Autograph Session, Entertainment for Kids Projection place: 14|15 Bata Institute art workshops, discussions, readers workshops, seminars
Score: Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
Exhibition Joy to Create
Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
French Street
Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
Sun 29.05.2016 | 10:00
Theatre zone Pegas Nonwovens - Sunday 29/5
Sun 29.05.2016 | 14:00
FILM INDUSTRY - Digital Restoration of the Czech Film Heritage
Sun 29.05.2016 | 14:00
FESTIVAL PARTY TENT – Open Air Place - Sunday 29/5
Sun 29.05.2016 | 15:00
Charity Soccer „For Luke's Castle Ducat"
Sun 29.05.2016 | 16:00
Celebrities Autograph Sessions
Sun 29.05.2016 | 17:00
FILM INDUSTRY - Festival Community
Sun 29.05.2016 | 17:00
Charity Dance Fairy Tale „The Sea Nymphs“
Sun 29.05.2016 | 17:30
Film Journal
Sun 29.05.2016 | 18:00
Dancing in the Streets
Sun 29.05.2016 | 18:00
Sun 29.05.2016 | 20:00
Event Jazz Trio
Sun 29.05.2016 | 20:00
Sun 29.05.2016 | 21:30
Summer cinema screening - Deadpool
Mon 30.05.2016 | 09:00
Mon 30.05.2016 | 09:30
GOLDEN RIBBON – ZFF literary zone in the Regional Library of František Bartoš - Monday 30/5