Section: Film Industry
Tue 31.05 | 18:30, Congress Centre
18.30 – 19.30, Work in Progress, Congress Center Zlín - small hall
FILM INDUSTRY - Jánošík ("the Slovak Robin Hood")
Presentation of the upcoming documentary film and cross-media project Jánošík.
director: Jan Hubáček
Juraj Jánošík (* 1688 - † 1713) became a legendary outlaw in four different countries. Yet no one has ever searched details of his fate so thoroughly as to examine all the available evidence and sources. We are starting a new stage of historical research, captured by the first feature documentary and a cross-media project. In this web application the spectator will follow the life story of Jánošík interactively, will be able to intervene in the matter, to choose the volume and type of information, interact with other characters and other online users. Mobile internet connection will enable an access to the application directly from his native country around Terchova (Žilina district), thereby offering other unexpected opportunities. The aim is not just the film and the web applications. It is about filling out blank spots in the history and explaining today's shape of the Jánošík legend.