Section: Panorama
Liyana (2017)
Liyana is a young, fictional girl created by several young orphans in Swaziland, where the scourge of AIDS has ravaged the population, leaving hundreds of thousands of children to fend for themselves. In a storytelling workshop, the youngsters learn to create a central character for their story, then draw on their own – often ghastly and horrifying – true-life experiences to create an exciting adventure for their heroine, which relies on her bravery, cleverness and sheer determination.
Country | Swaziland, United States of America, Qatar |
Year | 2017 |
Duration | 77 min |
Rating | 10 |
Language | English |
Subtitle | English, Simultanneous transla |
Directed by | Aaron Kopp & Amanda Kopp |
Director of Photography | Aaron Kopp |
Music | Philip Miller |
Edited by | Aaron Kopp & Davis Coombe |
Contact | Liyana the Movie |
A husband-and-wife creative team from the USA. Aaron is a renowned cameraman who's worked on many short and documentary films. Amanda is focused on photography; her work has been internationally published. Together, they made their feature-length, widely acclaimed debut, the animated film Liyana (2017).
Documentary, Education, Family, Teamwork, Childhood, Action + Adventure, Animation, Literature, Art, War