Section: International Competition of Animated Films for Children
Funny Fish (2017)
In the middle of the ocean, a school of fish comes to the rescue of a red fish floating on the surface of the water, but is it a fish?
Country | France, Switzerland |
Year | 2017 |
Duration | 6 min |
Rating | 3 |
Language | English |
Subtitle | Simultanneous translation into |
Directed by | Krishna Chandran A. Nair |
Screenplay | Krishna Chandran A. Nair |
Music | Frederic Le Junter |
Edited by | Herve Guichard |
Contact | Mikhal Bak |
Born in Kerala, India, Krishna Chandran A. Nair was always fascinated by storytelling and animation. After graduating with a degree in Animation Film Design (National Institute of Design, India 2011), Krishna specialised in animation film direction (la Poudriere school, France, 2014-2016). “Pdingpoong” (2009), a claymation film co-directed at NID and his final year film at la Poudriere “Chandran's Café” (distributed by Arte, 2016) were nominated and awarded at several film festivals worldwide.This film is a part of the set Short Animations 4.