Section: International Competition of Animated Films for Children
Achoo (2017)
In ancient China, a little dragon who can't breathe fire will fight to overcome his weakness in order to take part in the New Year’s celebration.
Country | France |
Year | 2017 |
Duration | 6 min |
Rating | 6 |
Language | English |
Subtitle | Simultanneous translation into |
Directed by | Lucas Boutrot, Elise Carret, Maoris Creantor, Pierre Hubert, Camille Lacroix, Charlotte Perroux |
Screenplay | Lucas Boutrot, Elise Carret, Maoris Creantor, Pierre Hubert, Camille Lacroix, Charlotte Perroux |
Director of Photography | Lucas Boutrot, Elise Carret, Maoris Creantor, Pierre Hubert, Camille Lacroix, Charlotte Perroux |
Music | Raphaël Joffres |
Contact | ESMA |
This film is a part of the set Short Animations 3.