30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: International Competition of Animated Films for Children

Perfectly Naughty Kids (2018) 10

Russia | 2018 | 14 min.

An amazing story about how a mischievous gnome helps Dr. Pyatkin cure the horribly obedient children from excessive mannerliness.

Duration14 min
SubtitleEnglish, Simultanneous transla
Directed by Tatiana Kiseleva
Screenplay Dmitry Mosyagin, Tatiana Kiseleva
Director of Photography Tatiana Kiseleva
Music Tatiana Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg
Edited by Tatiana Kiseleva
Contact School-Studio "SHAR"


Tatiana Kiseleva was born on 19.12.1978 in Pushkino town (Moscow region). In 1998 graduated the Lyceum of animation cinematography No 333 by spatiality “animator”. In 2007 graduated Art department of the Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) by specialty “animator artist and computer graphics (A.Gorlenko’s workshop). Since 1998 works as an animator on different Moscow animation studios. Took part in the creation of more than 20 animated films, including feature-length “The New Bremens’ ”, “Prince Vladimir”, “Ku! Kin-Dza-Dza”, “Peter and Fevronia”. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 received prizes for the best animation art at All Russian Animation Film Festival “Suzdal” (Russia). In 2013 has made her debut short animation film “A Tin Can”, School-Studio “SHAR” production This film is a part of the set Short Animations 8.