30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: Golden Slipper for Special Contribution in Children´s and Youth Cinema

Lucy, Terror of the Street (1984) 6

Czechoslovakia, Germany | 1984 | 74 min.

Lucie is a 6-year-old girl who cannot wait to go to school for the first time. Because all her friends are still on vacation, she doesn't have anybody to play with. The Osvalda gang doesn't care for little girls. She's got to prove her courage by shoplifting. Lucie goes to the department store and goes for a box of clay. And that's the beginning of an extraordinary adventure, as two characters of magical shapes climb out of the box and become Lucy's friends, with whom she experiences the most wonderful adventure.

CountryCzechoslovakia, Germany
Duration74 min
Directed by Jindřich Polák
Screenplay Ota Hofman
Director of Photography Josef Vaniš
Music Angelo Michajlov
Contact Národní filmový archív


A film director and screenwriter. A standard in Czech sci-fi and children's films. He led with the feature western Death in the Saddle (1958), and also directed the sci-fi Icarus XB 1 (1963), drama Riders in the Sky (1968) and crime drama Death on the Road (1979), and the children's TV series Pan Tau (1969-1978), The Visitors (1983) and The Octopuses from the Second Floor (1986).

Friendship, Comedy, Fantasy