30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: Festival Laurels from around the World

Ademoka´s Education (2022) 15

France, Kazakhstan | 2022 | 90 min.

This is the story of a teenage illegal migrant girl Ademoka who lives in Kazakhstan and is forced to be a beggar to survive. But at the same time, she’s bright and talented and dreams of studying all the time. Her illegal status and absence of citizenship is a serious obstacle for that. At some point, Ademoka gets a chance to receive an education and help comes from the unexpected side. The one least believable to be supportive, an alcoholic loser, Ahab, stretches out a helping hand…

CountryFrance, Kazakhstan
Duration90 min
LanguageKazakh, Russian
SubtitleCzech, English
Directed by Adilkhan Yerzhanov
Screenplay Adilkhan Yerzhanov
Director of Photography Azamat Dulatov
Music Sandro Di Stefano
Contact Arizona Films


Director and screenwriter from Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. His rich filmography presented at many international festivals includes, e.g. The Gentle Indifference of the World (Laskovoe bezrazlichie mira, 2018), A Dark, Dark Man (2019) and Goliath (2022).

Ups and Downs of Growing Up, Once upon a Time in Asia, Good Mood, Festival Laurels, Film Programmers Recommend, Student Films