30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: World Childrens Film Panorama

Best Birthday Ever (2021) 3

Germany, Netherlands, Sweden | 2021 | 75 min.

The story of Little Charlie, a small rabbit who lives with his loving family, and pets in a house at the edge of town. Like many 5-year olds, Little Charlie goes to a kindergarten and plays with his friends in the neighbourhood. He is used to having his parents’ full attention – but all that changes when his baby sister Clara is born, leading to an unexpected adventure with his best friend Monica.

CountryGermany, Netherlands, Sweden
Duration75 min
SubtitleSimultanneous translation into
Directed by Michael Ekblad
Screenplay Aje Andrea Brücken
Music Annette Focks
Contact SC Films International


Swedish screenwriter, animator, and director. He studied at Sheridan College in Oakville. He focuses on animation. He co-directed, e.g., Molly and the Christmas Monster (Molly und das Weihnachtsmonster, 2010) and Ted Sieger's Molly Monster (Ted Sieger's Molly Monster - Der Kinofilm, 2016).

Family, Animal Friends, Positive Choices, Animals, Adventure, Scandinavian Rhapsody