30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: Top Teen Ten

Keeper (2015) 15

Belgium, Switzerland, France | 2015 | 95 min.

Maxime and Mélanie are in love. Together they clumsily explore their sexuality with fiery curiosity until the day Mélanie realizes she´s pregnant. At first Maxime takes the news badly, but then he gets used to the idea of becoming a father. He convinces Melanie to keep the baby. So it´s been decided - Maxime and Mélanie, all of fifteen years old, are going to become parents

CountryBelgium, Switzerland, France
Duration95 min
Directed by Guillaume Senez
Screenplay Guillaume Senez, David Lambert
Director of Photography Denis Jutzeler
Edited by Julie Brenta
Contact Be For Films


Guillaume Senez (1978) is a Franco-Belgian screenwriter and director. He studied film at the National Institute of Cinematography (INRACI) in Brussels. He created a trio of successful authorial short films: Squaring the Circle (La Quadrature du Cercle, 2005), In Our Blood (Dans nos veines, 2008) and U.H.T. (2012). The drama Keeper (2015) was made in international co-production and is his feature debut.

Drama, World of Sports, Youth, Fatherhood