30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: New Czech Films and TV Programmes

Shadows of Theresienstadt (2020) 10

Czech Republic | 2020 | 13 min.

A short film dedicated to the fate of Jewish children imprisoned in the Terezín ghetto (1941-1945). This story of hope and human belonging which can stand up to evil is intended primarily for children. Therefore, in its story and art form, it also uses a poetic abbreviation and hyperbole, which makes it possible to convey the most important messages to children through animation. Chlapec Miloš s dívkou Jarmilkou objevují na půdě starého domu v Terezíně tajemné nástěnné malby a kufr plný vzpomínek na druhou světovou válku. Minulost ožívá a uprostřed válečné vřavy se zhmotňuje svět dětské fantazie. Žádná pohádka ale netrvá věčně a transportní vlaky se opět vydávají na cestu do Osvětimi.

CountryCzech Republic
Duration13 min
Directed by Miloš Zvěřina
Screenplay Miloš Zvěřina
Director of Photography Jan Pivoňka, Jakub Halousek
Music Zbyněk Matějů
Edited by Alois Fišárek
Contact Produkce Radim Procházka s.r.o.


A Czech screenwriter and director, studied animation at FAMU. He made the short animated films Imprisoned Dreams (Uvězněné sny, 1993), Helga – L520 (2011) and Transport ER (2015). He currently works for Czech TV as a dramaturg of evening and animated works.This film is a part of the set Shadows of the War.

Human Rights, War, Animation, Childhood, Education, History

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