30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: International Competition of Feature Films in the Youth Category

The Crossing (2021) 15

France, Czech Republic, Germany | 2021 | 83 min.

The story, inspired by the fate of the author's family from an area of Jewish settlements in Russia in the past, follows the vicissitudes of an adventurous and dramatic journey of two children, Kyona and her brother Adriel. They flee across half the world from the hatred and persecution of a repressive government, representing a generic type of totalitarian regime in the 20th century. The sensitive and engaging depiction of the path to adolescence in a comprehensible form tells the fate of the victims trapped under fascism, the Holocaust, and communism; its style may remotely recall Dickens' Oliver Twist or some great novels of 19th century literature. It is also a parable about a person striving for freedom and hope, but who must withstand the difficult trials on the painful path that ultimately leads to them.

CountryFrance, Czech Republic, Germany
Duration83 min
SubtitleEnglish, Czech
Directed by Florence Miailhe
Screenplay Marie Desplechin, Florence Miailhe
Director of Photography Cyril Maddalena, Guillaume Hoenig, Allemangne Ralf Kukula, Danko Dolch, Jaroslav Fišer
Music Philipp E. Kümpel
Edited by Nathalie Langlade, Stephane Roche
Contact MAUR Film s.r.o.


A French painter and animated film director. The films Shéhérazade (1995) and Conte De Quartier (2006) helped in the development of glass animation techniques; she’s one of the most important personalities in this field. Her first feature-length film is The Crossing (La Traversée, 2021).

Drama, Human Rights, Politics, Freedom, Courage, Youth, Adventure, Animation, Refugees, Immigrants

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