30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children

Florian (2019) -

Spain | 2019 | 4 min.

Florian grows flowers from his beard. We watch as he goes about his morning routine, watering his potted plant and making himself some tea. BIOGRAPHY Keshav Abrol Keshav Abrol is an animator and interaction designer from India. He studied animation and visual effects in India. His passion for creating miniature worlds and puppet armatures brought him to BAU, Barcelona for the stop motion masters. Lucas Londoño-Clayton Lucas Londoño-Clayton is UK. He studied film and television production at London Metropolitan University and worked in television and theatre in London before moving to Colombia for 2 years to teach English. He now lives in Barcelona, continuing to create and tell unique stories on a miniature scale. Pavel Loparev Pavel Loparev was born in Russia. He worked as a news reporter. Later, he graduated from Marina Razbezhkina Documentary Film school (Moscow). Co-founder of “CATOUT” animation studio which specialises in social projects and illuminator.info – educational online project for parents of LGBTI teens. Alicia Velasco Alicia Velasco was born in Venezuela. She graduated in Digital Animation in Costa Rica, where she then worked for 4 years in the video/animation department of an American company. She studied sculpting, model making and prosthetics as part of Nahual Studio’s short course programme and was part of an art atelier directed by artist Max Rojas for 15 years, where she developed as a painter and wood carver.

Duration4 min
LanguageNo dialogues
SubtitleNo subtitles
Directed by Keshav Abrol, Lucas Londoño-Clayton, Pavel Loparev, Alicia Velasco
Screenplay Keshav Abrol, Lucas Londoño-Clayton, Pavel Loparev, Alicia Velasco
Director of Photography Keshav Abrol, Lucas Londoño-Clayton, Pavel Loparev, Alicia Velasco
Music Sound Design by Sasha Chirkov
Contact Lucas Londoño-Clayton


This film is a part of the set Florian and other animations.