Section: International Competition of Short Animated Films for Children
The Wiremen (2018)
When electricity is first brought to rural Ireland, a young girl believes this new power is in fact a faerie who has entered her home with "the Light".
Country | Ireland, United Kingdom |
Year | 2018 |
Duration | 9 min |
Rating | - |
Language | English |
Subtitle | Simultanneous translation into |
Directed by | Jessica Patterson |
Screenplay | Paul Cahill |
Director of Photography | Jessica Patterson |
Music | Richie Egan |
Edited by | Conor Flanagan |
Contact | JAM Media |
Jess is a director and filmmaker from Dublin, Ireland, currently living and working in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her graduate short film, Did You Hear About Her Dad, is now multi-award winning and received a warm reception screening both nationally and internationally. She joined JAM Media in 2016 and has enjoyed working as an animator and storyboard artist across a number of series. Most recently Jess has begun working as an assistant director on a soon to be released series, as well as developing and directing a number of in house projects.This film is a part of the set The Big Bad Wolf Is Back and other animations.