Section: International Competition of Animated Films for Children
The Unicorn (2016)
When a little king spies an extraordinary creature in his forest that is white as snow and fast as the wind, he orders the creature brought to him. But only the little queen manages to bring the unicorn to the castle.
Country | France, Belgium |
Year | 2016 |
Duration | 13 min |
Rating | 6 |
Language | French |
Subtitle | English |
Directed by | Remi Durin |
Screenplay | Arnaud Demuynck, Remi Durin |
Director of Photography | - |
Music | Karim Baggili |
Edited by | Remi Durin |
Contact | Mikhal Bak |
A French animator, director and illustrator, he graduated from ENSAV La Cambre, a visual arts university in Brussels. He and his classmates founded the animation studio L'Enclume Animation, through which they've made short and feature films, commercials, video clips and TV series. He made the short animated films De si près (2009) and The Unicorn (La Licorne, 2016), co-directed the short animated musical comedy The Scent of Carrots (Le Parfum de la carotte, 2014).This film is a part of the set Short Animations 10.