30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

About film


Section: New Czech Films and TV Production

(2014) 9

Czech Republic | 2014 | 43 min.

For eleven-year-olds Nami (actress) and Nelly (tennis player) hard work means not only daily routine, but dream and mission. Stories of children and their parents who vicariously fulfill their own unrealized dreams through them. What makes police officer Dáša interested in art and in getting her 11-year-old Nami into show business? Does Nami have talent or not? Does she enjoy it or doesn't she? Nami shows us backstage of the National Theater and we get to see what an audition for the Children's Opera Prague looks like and what happens at a visit to a phoniatrist. A lot of wise and experienced men are talking about Nelly. But in the end it's she who has to hit the ball with her racket. A thousand times a day. Every afternoon. Nelly toils in silence while constant discussion goes on around the court about her talent and how to best work with her so that she can manage tennis and puberty. Perhaps not even Nelly knows how it will turn out .

CountryCzech Republic
Duration43 min
SubtitleNo subtitles
Directed by Jan Reinisch
Screenplay Lenka Szántó
Director of Photography Bohumír Bouček, Jiří Krejčík, Tomáš Svoboda, Miroslav Šnábl
Music Jiří Hájek
Edited by Krasimira Velitchková
Contact Česká televize


Jan Reinisch (1964) is a Czech dramaturgist, screenwriter and director. He studied at the film and TV department at the Faculty Journalism at Charles University. He began as a film reviewer, then worked for a long time in TV where he was engaged primarily in journalism, reportages and documentary programs. He's won the UNHCR award for his war coverage. He established himself as a director in the "docusoap" genre; among others making House of Cards (Domeček z karet, 2013) and Sweat, Tears, and Hope (Pot, slzy a naděje, 2014).

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