30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

Film programme 2021

Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

Under the Clouds (2021)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Vasilisa Tikunova

Russia, 2021, 3 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

Under the Clouds and Other Animations

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

International, 0, 31 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

Flo the Seal: Flo and the Real Chill Out (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Mateusz Jarmulski

Poland, 2020, 6 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

I am a Pebble (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Mélanie Berteraut Platon, Yasmine Bresson, Léo Coulombier, Nicolas Grondin, Maxime Le Chapelain, Lou

France, 2020, 6 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

Kiko and the Animals (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Yawen Zheng

France, Switzerland, 2020, 7 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

My Tagalong (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Jerry Wang

Canada, China, 2020, 1 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 09:10

Children of Gainmore: How They Found It (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Petr Mischinger

Czech Republic, 2020, 8 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Stranded (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Alvin AREVALO-ZAMORA, Alwin DUREZ, Quentin GARAUD, Maxime SALVATORE, Florent SANGLARD, Thomas SPONY-

France, 2020, 7 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

WhateverTree (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Isaac King

Canada, 2020, 12 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Reflection (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Juan Carlos Mostaza

Spain, 2020, 11 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Only a Child (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Simone Giampaolo

Switzerland, 2020, 6 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Liyoki (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Sarah Munos, Armel Boutillon, Arthur Lefebvre, Aurélie Tapponier, Francesca McCall, Jeremy Livingsto

France, 2020, 6 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Liyoki and Other Animations

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

International, 0, 63 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Matilda and the Spare Head (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Ignas Meilūnas

Lithuania, 2020, 13 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Thu 09.09.2021 | 13:30

Little Forest (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Paulina Muratore

Argentina, 2020, 8 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Fri 10.09.2021 | 10:40

Little Snowman (2021)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Aleksey Pochivalov

Russia, 2021, 3 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6


Fri 10.09.2021 | 10:40

Beyond the Line (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Jinuk Choi

South Korea, United States of America, 2020, 4 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6


Fri 10.09.2021 | 10:40

Little Snowman and Other Animations

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

International, 0, 35 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6


Fri 10.09.2021 | 10:40

Winter Sleep (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Kateřina Karhánková, Alexandra Májová

Czech Republic, 2020, 7 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6


Fri 10.09.2021 | 10:40

How Shammies Travelled (2020)

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children

Directed by: Edmunds Jansons

Latvia, 2020, 6 min

Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6


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