Patchwork Snake (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Angela Steffen
Germany, 2020, 4 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6
The Patchwork Pals have a problem; Snake is coming to visit – but her visit is way too short! Can she find a way to make everybody happy?
Bemol (2021)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Oana Lacroix
Switzerland, 2021, 6 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 6
A featherless nightingale sings in the forest. After getting caught in a surprise storm, it catches a cold and can't sing anymore.
Once Upon a Head (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: A Nuodi
China, 2020, 8 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
A grandfather takes his reluctant grandson to a barber shop. The kid just wants to have fun, but his grandpa prevents him from leaving.
Once upon a Head and Other Animations
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
International, 0, 46 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
Fly (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Carlos Gómez-Mira Sagrado
Spain, 2020, 15 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
A bird with a deformed wing cannot migrate. Abandoned by his flock, he sinks into despair. Everything changes the day Pio-Pio appears.
Lupin (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Helene Ducrocq
France, 2020, 11 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
A young wolf leaves the den for the first time while his mother is busy hunting. Lost and frightened, he finds shelter in a garden.
Dylda (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Anastasiia Zhakulina
Russia, 2020, 8 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
Story about a Princess whose life is not so easy because of her giant height. The King arranges a ball in an attempt to marry off his daughter.
Sanctuary (2021)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Eva Matějovičová
Czech Republic, 2021, 4 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 5
An animal rescuer shares her experience with the adoption of handicapped animals: a sick chihuahua, a paralyzed bulldog and a frightened cat.
Under the Clouds (2021)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Vasilisa Tikunova
Russia, 2021, 3 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Walter the lamb wants more than anything else to become a free and beautiful cloud. But that dream is truly difficult to achieve.
Under the Clouds and Other Animations
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
International, 0, 31 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Flo the Seal: Flo and the Real Chill Out (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Mateusz Jarmulski
Poland, 2020, 6 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Flo is the smallest in the family. She learns self-reliance through a series of everyday little adventures.
I am a Pebble (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Mélanie Berteraut Platon, Yasmine Bresson, Léo Coulombier, Nicolas Grondin, Maxime Le Chapelain, Lou
France, 2020, 6 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Bubble, a young otter, lives with three mossy stones and thinks of them as her family. She imagines them as real otters.
Kiko and the Animals (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Yawen Zheng
France, Switzerland, 2020, 7 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Kiko is a nightmare for all the animals. He bullies them all the time, even the smallest mouse can't escape from him!
My Tagalong (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Jerry Wang
Canada, China, 2020, 1 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Two Gemini brothers journey to the earth. The older one wants to enjoy the trip himself, but his younger brother tags along…
Children of Gainmore: How They Found It (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Petr Mischinger
Czech Republic, 2020, 8 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
One morning, a magic stone appears in the kindergarten yard. A group of 7 kids find it, but the greedy Prof. Jarin wants to steal it from them.
Little Snowman (2021)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Aleksey Pochivalov
Russia, 2021, 3 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
When a family of snowmen lose all their carrots, they learn that having a carrot-nose is not the most important thing.
Beyond the Line (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Jinuk Choi
South Korea, United States of America, 2020, 4 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
A wheelchair dreams of one day being as fast as a racing car. One night, the wheelchair decides to do its own race in the hospital hallway.
Little Snowman and Other Animations
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
International, 0, 35 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
Winter Sleep (2020)
Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children
Directed by: Kateřina Karhánková, Alexandra Májová
Czech Republic, 2020, 7 min
Projection place: Golden Apple Cinema, sál 4
The forecast is “lots of snow”; it’s time to get ready for the winter sleep. However, the bears now want to make snow-puffed meringue.