30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth



Go to the Cinema!

The film offer is really wide ... 

Film delegations 2017

Celebrities who will come to Zlín.

Competition of films for youth

This year's International Film Competition of Films for Youth focuses mainly on serious topics of adolescence. This selection tries to balance these drama films with funny and easygoing stories. All films are about strong and courageous heroes, unique...

Competition children

The 57th International Film Competition of Children´s Films has one joint theme. It is a family. Family seen through children's eyes in different angles of view and perception.

Welcome to Switzerland – Swiss showcase at 57th Zlín Film Festival 2017

This year, Swiss Cinema will be presented at 57th International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín. A total of 30 films for children and youth will be featured in the section called "Welcome to Switzerland", named after the Swiss film of the...

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