30/5 — 5/6/2024
64th International Film Festival
for Children and Youth

Film industry 54.ZFF

A new part of the supporting program called Film Industry saw great success last year among the press, young filmmakers and the professional public. We introduced 11 workshops, 5 Balcony Parties, 6 professional press conferences and a special Master Class with Canadian producer and distributor Rock Demers and director Vojtěch Jasný.
The festival project Rainbow Marble, which is focused on marketing and advertising in the film industry, announced the winners of two competitive categories.

The award in the competition for best audiovisual marketing endeavor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was won by the Czech film In the Shade. Each campaign was evaluated by an expert jury composed of students from film and marketing fields.
In the International Competition of Student Film Trailers competition, the award went to a student from Tomas Bata University, Lenka Záthurecká, and to her team and the trailer for their film Lehká Hlava. The trailer got a total of 4,938 votes and the Young Marbles 2013 award thus stayed in its home town.

Two hundred films from all over the world were entered into the Zlin Dog international student film competition and the 50 best were shown at the ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL.

Genre prizes in three categories were awarded to these young filmmakers:

- Best Documentary to Simona Schurdáková for the film To Pravé Orechové
- Best animation to the film Flamingo Pride from Tomer Eshed
- Best feature film
went to Ich bin nicht mutr from young filmmaker Arianne Hinze

Rainbow Marble and Zlín Dog awards were announced on May 29 at the Rainbow Dog Party at the Bata Institute 14|15.